Make your play visible – the monitor
Last edited: 5. March 2021|Publishing date:10. February 2021|Making music
The MONITOR block of the VARIO App can be useful for the further adjustment of the dynamic translation of your piano playing into digital sound generation.
The so-called MIDI velocity values of all incoming and outgoing key signals (like notes recorded with the recorder) are displayed as vertical bars. They are moved to the left by newer bars and disappear over time.
This type of display helps, for example, to find the optimal values for key adjustment (see page 15): if you can play both very low and very high bars effortlessly, the system is perfectly tuned.
PS: The BUBBLES display is certainly less useful for inspecting MIDI information – but it’s even more fun). 😉
The MONITOR block of the VARIO App can be useful for the further adjustment of the dynamic translation of your piano playing into digital sound generation.
The so-called MIDI velocity values of all incoming and outgoing key signals are displayed as vertical bars. They are moved to the left by newer bars and disappear over time.
This type of display helps, for example, to find the optimal values for key adjustment (see page 15): if you can play both very low and very high bars effortlessly, the system is perfectly tuned.