Adjusting dynamics and playing feel
Last edited: 17. March 2021|Publishing date:10. February 2021|Setup
You can adjust the dynamic characteristics of your VARIO digital system in the Dynamics block. Its possibilities are perhaps most reminiscent of the intonation of an acoustic instrument – so you may be surprised by the tonal potential that lies behind the inconspicuous line of this control element. But step by step:
On the line you see 4 points: two at the outer edges, two inside.
By moving these points you change the “translation” of the keystroke into the tonal development.
Changing the height of the two outer points limits (compresses) the dynamic range.
This means in terms of sound: a gentle play (pianissimo possible / ppp) sounds more in the direction of the mezzo forte (mf) when the left point is moved upwards. And vice versa: if you pull down the right point, you will not achieve a forte-fortissimo (ff-fff) even with a very hard keystroke.
Tip for users of DAWs, MIDI sequencers & Co: in extreme settings you can fix the dynamics to a certain value – or you can reverse the translation in such a way that gentle playing executes a forte sound (high velocity) and a powerful forte performs a pianissimo (low velocity).
The two inner points now affect the slope of the curve. How quickly do you want to get from Pianissimo to Forte? We would like to invite you to experiment with the values and to find your preferred setting yourself.
Set up dynamic zones.
As you play, you will have noticed that the note display in the Dynamics block follows. In this way, you can select any point on your keyboard where you can then use the + key to set another so-called breakpoint.
For each added breakpoint, you can define different values and slopes as you like – the app interpolates between the individual curves so that soft transitions are created automatically.
Press the -(Minus) key when a breakpoint is selected to delete it again.
Press – without a previously selected breakpoint – to reset all settings.
You can adjust the dynamic characteristics of your VARIO digital system in the Dynamics block. Its possibilities are perhaps most reminiscent of the intonation of an acoustic instrument – so you may be surprised by the tonal potential that lies behind the inconspicuous line of this control element. But step by step:
On the line you see 4 points: two at the outer edges, two inside.
By moving these points you change the “translation” of the keystroke into the tonal development.
Changing the height of the two outer points limits (compresses) the dynamic range.
This means in terms of sound: a gentle play (pianissimo possibile / ppp) sounds more in the direction of the mezzo forte (mf) when the left point is moved upwards. And vice versa: if you pull down the right point, you will not achieve a forte-fortissimo (ff-fff) even with a very hard keystroke.
Tip for users of DAWs, MIDI sequencers & Co: in extreme settings you can fix the dynamics to a certain value – or you can reverse the translation in such a way that gentle playing executes a forte sound (high velocity) and a powerful forte performs a pianissimo (low velocity).
The two inner points now affect the slope of the curve. How quickly do you want to get from Pianissimo to Forte? We would like to invite you to experiment with the values and to find your preferred setting yourself.
Set up dynamic zones.
As you play, you will have noticed that the note display in the Dynamics block follows. In this way, you can select any point on your keyboard where you can then use the + key to set another so-called breakpoint.
For each added breakpoint, you can define different values and slopes as you like – the app interpolates between the individual curves so that soft transitions are created automatically.
Press the -(Minus) key when a breakpoint is selected to delete it again.
Press – without a previously selected breakpoint – to reset all settings.